Greetings Fellow Travelers!
Whew! What a few years it's been. With all that has happened (and not happened!), it feels like now is a better time than ever to re-tune to our bodies and spirits with a massage or Qi Gong practice, or both! A wonderful combination is to start your appointment with a few minutes of Qi Gong exercises selected to address your particular situation and then proceed into the massage. Our Winter Qi Gong session is full, but do let me know if you'd like to be informed about the Spring session. Be Well, and I hope to see you soon!
Qi Gong Testimonials:
"Your classes help keep me healthy and centered!" - M.F.
"You did a fabulous job of making adjustments to ensure that we could all see from various angles and up close when needed.... The ability to learn Qigong online and practice often has probably been one of my top 3 coping strategies during the pandemic. And, far more than a coping strategy, it has brought me so much peace and joy." - M.V.
"Wendy designs each [Qi Gong] practice to respond not only to the group or individual needs of the day, but also to the seasons of the year. She gently guides us through flowing movements that physically stretch, strengthen, and balance while explaining how each movement enhances a particular internal organ or cognitive function or sense of wellbeing. She also emphasizes how the movements connect us to earth elements and nature. It feels very grounding. I'm grateful to have been introduced to qigong by such a knowledgeable and experienced teacher." - S.H.
Massage Testimonials:
"Wendy, you are my favorite therapist in all my travels. I travel a lot and get a massage once a month or so which I find helps me stay flexible after a plane and car ride. It”s not often you remember and find the same therapist after 7 years of travels. Just the right pressure and touch and stretches- you are fantastic!" - R.B., MD